Nancy her story

Operator logistics
For years she worked at a greengrocer’s, did the administration at a publisher, worked in a nursing home, and in the catering industry. Yet, nowhere did Nancy feel more at home than at Ophtec. “Here I found regularity and stability,” the 31-year-old from Emmen says. And just as important: a healthy dose of challenge. “I am challenged every day to get the best out of myself. That makes my work really valuable!”

Broadly trained, widely deployed

If you want to know what Nancy does at Ophtec, it is best to follow her along for a day. “My work consists of many different tasks,” she laughs. Much more than her job title suggests. “I spend most of my time in the logistics department,” she continues. “That’s where I process all orders: where I pack the lenses, add the correct instructions for use, apply labels and then the packages are ready to be sent to the clients.” If it is rush hour at the production department, she sometimes helps out there as well. And that’s not all: Nancy is currently also being trained by the Quality Control department to check whether incoming products fulfil the necessary set of requirements. “I just want to get as many qualifications as possible, so I can be deployed as widely as possible.”

“I have learned that I can do a lot more than I thought”

“I never do the same 40 hours a week”

“It’s the diversity that makes my job so much fun,” Nancy says. “Because my colleagues also get the chance to take on other things, we can alternate. As a result, I never do the same thing for 40 hours in a row.” According to Nancy, Ophtec offers opportunities that she never got at any of her previous jobs. “When I started working at Ophtec and saw what other colleagues were doing, I thought: “I could never do that or would dare do that.” But with the help of my supervisors I was able to prove myself otherwise. They had complete confidence in me and gave me plenty of opportunities and space to grow”, Nancy explains. “I discovered I could do so much more than I had ever thought!”

“At Ophtec we are there for each other”

If she is at her wits’ end, she always has her colleagues she can count on. “We have such a great team. If one department is busy, the other department steps in to help and vice versa. We are always there for each other.” In the workplace and beyond. No birthday is forgotten. When the corona measures were lifted, everyone attended the ‘welcome-back-breakfast’. The company gathering ended up being a party as well. “And there are quite a few parties. The other day, a colleague baked something delicious for everyone. It is these wonderful and small moments that make working at Ophtec so valuable.”

Questions or want to know more?

Do you still have questions or would you like to know more about this position? We are happy to answer all your questions! Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly.

Nancy aan het werk bij OPHTEC
Nancy Alberts
Operator logistics
Telephone: 050-5251944

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